Craze Inc. is a client located in New York City, U.S.A. working in the area of fashion and clothing retail sales.
I was approached to aid with brand consultation, pitch-decks, website and mobile application UI design and other marketing materials.
The purpose was to try and attract large investors to the idea and then develop the designed further given the raised capital was sufficient.
It was a success as we got Kim Kardashian and other major influencers to sign on board. Luckily the design (mainly driven towards females) worked out well and the application is now available for download on iTunes and Google Play. Direction has changed quite a bit based on feedback and I was offered an in-house position in New York. I turned it down, wishing to keep my remote freelancer status. The project was later renamed to “ScreenShop”.
ClientCraze Inc. (also know as ScreenShop)ServicesUI/UX Design, Branding & GamificationRelease Date20 November, 2017Linkscreenshopit.com